Helmick + Schechter

Helmick + Schecter are two sculptors who tend to collaborate together on large public art projects and these are two of my favorite examples of their work. The second piece is actually a large time piece and map. I was drawn to their work after reading a mailout promo they sent after completing a piece titled 'Exquisite Corpse' which was comissioned for the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. It outlined their exact intent, the materials they used and why as well as background on the location. I really like that after completing a piece the pair do fairly extensive written explanations detailing the project. http://www.handsart.net/ this is their site, go and check out their work!

Pictured above: 'Ghostwriter' commissioned for placement in the Evanston Public Library in IL

Pictured above 'Latitude' as installed at Captial Community College in Hartford, CT


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